Ministry Blog

Leaving the Comfort Zone

What would you leave for the sake of the Gospel? Some people leave family and friends, even countries, to share God’s love in nations across the world. But “leaving” doesn’t have to involve permanent or long-term geographic relocation. Leaving can simply mean getting out of your comfort zone, stepping outside the boundaries of the familiar,…

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Freedom in the Dominican Republic

Charis Bible College prepares second-year students to go and declare the glory of God to other nations by sharing His wonders among all peoples (Ps. 96:3). These mission trips are not just prayer walks. Those who go—students whose lives have been transformed by the Holy Spirit—carry the “Charis experience” with them, taking the love and…

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Not Limited Anymore

“All my neighbors here in this community know how I used to walk with my arm stiff. I always had it covered. People knew I could not sleep because of the pain. I could not dress myself, and my daughters had to brush my hair for me. As you can see, that is not the…

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