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Partners Changing Lives:
Leading Africa with Grace

Your purpose is bigger than you think. Ricky Burge was born in a rough part of Gary, Indiana, and grew up amid the wreckage of his parents’ failed marriage. His search for purpose eventually led to gangs, partying, and drugs. But after a brush with death at the hands of gang members, he realized he…

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Lessons from Joseph

One of the ways God shaped my life was by showing me that I didn’t have to go out and experience everything on my own. I could gain wisdom and understanding from other people’s mistakes. The Bible does not present a whitewashed version of the people it describes, which is one of the many wonderful things about…

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Creating Trust and Order

There are two kinds of trust that every functioning team needs to cultivate: relationship trust and responsibility trust. Relationship trust creates emotional safety within the team because the members know their leader is consistent, and vice versa. Responsibility trust means the leader is confident in the work that the team does, and the team knows…

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Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

This is the first time in 50 years that we have been able to celebrate January 22nd without an egregiously decided Roe vs. Wade that manufactured a constitutional right to kill an unborn child. This is a major victory that many prayed for but doubted we would see in our lifetime. Yet, here we are,…

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The Laws That Govern Faith

I think one of the biggest breakthroughs I experienced in receiving from God was understanding that faith is governed by laws. I used to think healing was just an arbitrary decision the Lord made about each individual based on some unknown criteria. We just had to believe as best we could, but we never knew…

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