Ministry Blog

Changing Lives in Central and South America

Did you know that you can be in two places at once? Jon Rand never imagined he would be standing on foreign soil with a sign offering “free hugs” on the street. Years before, he was at a totally different place in his life.     Jon was once the successful executive of an American broadcasting company, but now as the founder of Your Kingdom…

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A Better Way to Pray 

I think prayer is probably one of the most abused and misused things in the Christian life. We are seeing attacks on the church, the family, and children like nothing we’ve ever seen in the history of the United States. When fear sets in, some people go to panicking, while others start praying and asking God for…

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How Important Is a Biblical Worldview? 

Do you know biblical truths about societal issues but feel ill-equipped to defend them? Whether from fear or a lack of knowledge, many Christians keep quiet when God’s Word is challenged. Others have been deceived after becoming entangled in the world’s philosophies and depravities.   Our worldview is the filter through which we process life. As Christians, it should be based on the uncompromised Word of God—not the popular culture….

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Healed by the Word 

You’ve probably heard the expression “break a leg,” used to wish actors luck before performing.  Though Michael Schutz is a regular actor in many of our Charis Bible College productions, he would be the first to tell you luck isn’t what got him through the biggest battle of his life Michael was born with extreme food allergies and later diagnosed with asthma. After eating most foods, he would break out in hives. Due to his difficulty breathing, he couldn’t play sports. He got used to a restricted diet, but he grew tired…

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You’ve Got a Story,  and It’s Better than You Think!

Your life is a story that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. And because it’s a journey, you won’t end up where you began. But did you know that God wants to be involved in writing your story?  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 God has ordained you…

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The Believer’s Authority:  What You Didn’t Learn in Church

How would your life change if you understood your authority in Christ? And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth (emphasis mine).   …

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Watch Truth & Liberty Live: Now Five Days a Week 

Program to Air at a New Time with New Hosts and Live Call-In For the past few years, the weekly Truth & Liberty livecast has interviewed influential leaders while discussing moral issues and current events from a uniquely Christian perspective. The program is a media outreach of the Truth & Liberty Coalition, a 501(C)(4) nonprofit organization established by Andrew Wommack…

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Facing Resistance

Imagine yourself at the top of a hill, garden hose in hand, pouring water down the hillside. Where is all that water going to go? Because of gravity, it will always take the path of least resistance. If there’s a tree in its way, the water will always flow around it. The water makes no decisions. God hasn’t called us to live like that. Now…

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Campus Days 2023

Campus Days is coming this March 15–17 to our Charis Bible College main campus in Woodland Park, Colorado! People of all ages and walks of life come to Charis searching for the truth of who God is and who they are in Him. Thousands of students around the world experience transformation at Charis Bible College,…

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Developing Better Relationships

At the beginning of time, God said it was not good for us to be alone (Gen. 2:18), so He gave us relationships. Having community with other people is almost as important as having communion with God. A healthy relationship reflects the kind of connection God wants to have with each of us. Many people…

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