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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Ginnielee Green

On October 7, 2024

Reaching out from: Florida

I watch Andrew every am 6:30. The week he taught on Hebrews I finally made the decision that I had been contemplating for years. I was in a very bad relationship with someone that literally had me trapped. I’m 59 so I was worried about just taking off. The only place I had to go was 87 year old dad’s house in Georgia. I got up that morning found a way to get the money together for a flight. Which was a miracle. I booked the flight I got a taxi to take me to train as soon as he left for work. I only had $7 left. I made it to the airport but started having second thoughts. I almost canceled my ticket but something made me call their prayer line and I spoke to a young lady that told me to keep going you’re doing the right thing keep going I got on the plane I’m here at my daddy’s and I am sinning no more. He never wanted to marry me and he controlled my every move. He doesn’t believe in God but he told me he did when we met. Thank GOD FOR ANDREW & YOUNG LADY ON PRAYER LINE. IM FREE

Ginnielee Green

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I Fell Twenty Feet Headfirst Onto a Concrete Floor, Shattering My Spine…

Category: Uncategorized | Name: J. O. | From: North Olmsted, Ohio
Posted On: April 24, 2015

Thank you, Andrew, for your teaching, The New You and The Holy Spirit. I fell twenty feet headfirst onto a concrete floor, shattering my spine. After they performed cervical spinal surgery and put a plate in my neck, they also wanted to put a plate in my lower back but couldn’t. I had such severe nerve damage that I couldn’t walk without using a cane. My wife even had to help me bathe. On a scale of one to ten, my pain level was an eight—twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Without God Wants You Well, You’ve Already Got It!, A Better Way to Pray, The New You and The Holy Spirit, and many more, I would have ended up in a wheelchair by the time I was fifty. I am now fifty-one and 100 percent healed by the miraculous power of God. Thank you, Andrew, for showing me how to see the Word of God better than I ever have before. God bless you and Jamie, your family, and your loved ones in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Five Days After Taking the Biopsy, the Doctor’s Office Called — I Have No Skin Cancer…

Category: Uncategorized | Name: J. | From:
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I just recently attended the Healing Is Here conference in Woodland Park. It was an awesome event, and I learned so much. I greatly appreciate Charis Bible College putting this on, and I look forward to next year’s conference. When I returned home to Omaha, Nebraska, I went for my yearly dermatologist checkup and was told I had skin cancer. But I knew immediately what to do. I told the doctor twice that I did not accept the diagnosis and that I was healed in Jesus’ name. She kept explaining to me how they would do the biopsy and let me know the results. Five days after taking the biopsy, the doctor’s office called—I have no skin cancer! By His stripes, I was healed! So, again, thank you so much for all that was taught and shared during the healing conference!

Your Program Totally Changed Everything I Was Taught for Over Fifty Years…

Category: Uncategorized | Name: R. W. | From: Morristown, TN
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For ten years, I had been sick and on seventeen different medications for fibromyalgia, trigeminal neuralgia, depression, and many other illnesses. When I first started watching the Gospel Truth in 2008, I was bedridden. On one occasion, after coming home from work, I put a pistol to my head, screaming at God, “You took my body and now my mind-I have nothing left!” Then I heard God say, “You still have Me.” I don’t know if it was audible or not, but it was enough to make me lay down the pistol. The denomination I grew up in taught that God puts illness on people to teach them a lesson. I had attended two Bible colleges, and since I thought that God was trying to teach me something, I accepted everything—even the short-term memory loss that caused me to lose my job. When I first started listening to your program, I was angry. I got out my Bible to prove you wrong, but I couldn’t. I saw what you were saying. Your program totally changed everything I was taught for over fifty years.

My husband and I finally got to hear you at Johnson City, Tennessee. We probably wouldn’t have gone, had we known you were a Spirit-filled believer, but God knew what He was doing. My husband and I both received the baptism of the Holy Spirit that night, thus starting my faith-walk out of religion, sickness, and disease. We were also blessed to go to the Summer Family Bible Conference the following year. I had cancer of the parotid gland and had radiation on the right side of my face at age thirty-six. My eye was very dry because of it. At the conference, you had a word of knowledge that someone was being healed of a dry eye due to a treatment. That was me! Then we went to hear you in Charlotte, North Carolina. You had another word of knowledge for someone who had no spit. I was healed again and am now fully restored from the effects of radiation treatment! I have been off all medications and have been working since then. Praise Jesus!

I Was Attacked by Three Different Illnesses: A Migraine, an Infection, and Food Poisoning…

Category: Uncategorized | Name: R. | From:
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Thank you so much, Andrew, for all the healing videos made available online! After witnessing to others about Jesus being my healer last week, I was attacked by three different illnesses: a migraine, an infection, and food poisoning. Each one would have cost me a week or more to get healed of in the past. My migraine was gone by the power of God’s Word in a couple of hours, and the infection that attacked me five days later was gone in a day by the power of His Word. But then I was attacked with a fever and stomach pain. I lay in bed asking God what had happened, and He showed me that it was something I had eaten. I rebuked the food poisoning and watched some of the healing videos on your website. Now I am we again. Thank You, Jesus! This has shown me how important it is to spread the good news about healing, since the devil has tried to destroy me for doing so.

I Don’t Feel Like a Square Peg Trying to Fit Into a Round Hole Anymore…

Category: Uncategorized | Name: C. S. | From: Kentucky
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I just have to say thank you so much for sharing the Gospel, Andrew! My prayers are getting answered, and my life is changing faster than it did in the last thirty years of my walk with God. When I first walked into church, I put on a religious straight jacket because I thought that was Christianity! Not anymore. I am so excited because I have had a desire to go to Charis Bible College for the past three years, but I have been waiting for God to work on my husband’s heart so it wouldn’t cause strife. You prayed for me in Mobile, and I also told you in Johnson City that I was on my way to Charis. My husband and I will be starting the Charis Correspondence Course as soon as we get the material! I cannot wait to get out to Colorado for the second and third years! I love you so much and am so thankful to have finally found a place that fits. I don’t feel like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole anymore. Now I know that I fit perfectly in the kingdom of God!

I Called Your Helpline for Prayer Last Month Because I Needed a New Place to Live…

Category: Uncategorized | Name: N. | From: California
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I called your Helpline for prayer last month because I needed a new place to live. After looking high and low, praying, taking my authority in every way I knew how, and standing my ground, it seemed supernatural how I was turned down everywhere I went. When I received prayer from one of your ministers, I was supposed to move the next day. I started feeling like I had failed. The minister gave me two words, and I was very encouraged by both of them. Hope rose up within me as she confirmed what I sensed was going on. She prayed that I would find favor with my landlords and spoke to the mountain. (I hadn’t even told her that I had two landlords.)

The next day my landlords said that I could stay until the end of the month. Then, a week later, they said I could stay another month. Now I am believing for God’s favor to allow me to stay permanently. In my heart, I feel that this is the place God has provided for me. I believe that the Enemy was attacking me because I had given the Word first place in my life. Praise be to God for the much-needed words of encouragement He gave me through your Helpline, Andrew, and the favor He has given me with my landlords. Thank you for being there to pray with me.

I Am Believing God to Supply the Money to Pay the House Off Completely…

Category: Uncategorized | Name: D. J. | From: Georgia
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Hi, brother Andrew! God’s continued blessings on you and Jamie and your household, in Jesus’ name. I just wanted to encourage you to keep doing what you are doing because you are changing lives for people like me, whom you have never met-to the degree that I retired in October, left my home in South Bend, Indiana, and gave it to my ex-wife. I am now helping her pay the mortgage until she gets monies from my retirement, which is about six or seven months away. I am believing God to supply the money to pay the house off completely and present it to her as a gift. No way would I have done this without the love of God working through me with tangible evidence. I moved to Atlanta, Georgia, with only a third of my retirement money, but God has been supplying everything I need since them. I will attend Charis Atlanta when the money comes in for me, but Andrew, it is a done deal, as far as I am concerned. I do not know why God sent me down here, but I do not care as long as I am where He wants me to be. The provision has been here, praise God. You, sir, are such a blessing in my life, and I thank you for doing what God told you to do. You are changing lives!

He Was Down to Just Sixteen Dollars So He Called Your Helpline…

Category: Uncategorized | Name: E. M. | From: New York
Posted On: April 23, 2015

My grandson, Dan, called me about three months ago to ask for your Helpline phone number. He had started a construction company but no one was calling for his services. He was down to just sixteen dollars so he called your Helpline and, soon after, was offered more jobs than he and his coworker could do. Within a couple of weeks, he called your ministry again for prayer that he would have more men to help him. Soon he had several good workers. He has enough work to last for many months, and he is doing so well financially that he is able to give money to meet others’ needs. Now, he is listening to your DCs and reading his Bible. I praise the Lord for all He has done in Dan’s life, and I thank you for all the prayers and teachings that have helped him so much.

I Went to the Doctor and Was Diagnosed With Bell Palsy…

Category: Uncategorized | Name: D. | From: Florida
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In late October of this year, I went to the doctor because of pain in my left arm and learned it was because of muscle tears. I was given medication to ease the pain, but one evening, after I wiped my face, I noticed that my face felt different. All of a sudden, I could not shut my right eye or taste food in the right side of my mouth. The right side of my face was paralyzed! I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with Bell Palsy. I was given medication in hopes of stopping it from becoming permanent. I called your Helpline and spoke with a lady who prayed with me in the authority of God’s Word. She reminded me of who I was—a child of the King. She cursed the disease and commanded my face to return to the way God created it. We prayed in tongues together, and for me, it was a done deal.

I went to the AWM website and listened to God Wants You Well and You’ve Already Got It! These teachings helped strengthen my faith in knowing that I was already healed, not trying to get healed. I also had members of my church speak with the authority of God over this sickness. I immediately went into thanksgiving for the healing Christ died to give me and have never looked back. Since then, the right side has regained feeling, and now I have full function. I have been restored to wholeness. Praise God for what He has done!

My Two Teenagers Were “Just Being Teenagers,” and I Accepted That…

Category: Uncategorized | Name: V. C. | From: Abington, PA
Posted On: April 22, 2015

My two teenagers were “just being teenagers,” and I accepted that and started to speak it. But some events took place that I couldn’t deal with, and through your teaching, God opened my eyes to see that if He paid for it ALL on the cross, then “ALL” included this “teenage phase.”

We watch your program as part of our daily devotions, and one day when we tuned in, instead of a sermon, you were interviewing people. At first, I said “Why are we getting this, when what we need is to hear the Word?” But those interviews affected my children in ways that I couldn’t get through to them. I was trying to clean them up from the outside, but God went straight for the heart. Now it wasn’t just “mom” trying to push the Word on them and “preach,” but the truth was coming from other people and their real-life experiences. The Healing Journeys have changed my children’s lives. Both turned to me and said, “So, is this what you’ve been trying to tell us?” PRAISE GOD!

Thank you for devoting yourself to the Lord and teaching us how to become disciples. I’m especially grateful for your website, where I can go to review any sermon I want, as far back as I want, and it’s instantly at my fingertips—for free! I was just listening to Spirit, Soul andamp; Body. It’s teaching me how we were filled with all the faith we’d ever need when we received Christ. Instead of asking for more faith, you teach us how to access what’s already inside us. Hallelujah!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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