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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Rita K

On September 10, 2024

Reaching out from: Los Angeles

I’ve been following Andrew Wommack for a few years, reading his books (You’ve Already Got It + God Wants You Well), and watching testimonies. I recently came to the Healing is Here 2024 Conference. I was prayed over by so many ministers. I’ve been speaking to my body and commanding symptoms out. I’ve been trying foods that I haven’t had in a while due to sensitivities. I’m walking out my healing and I’m so grateful. I know my stomach is healed and I’m seeing the manifestation of it. Praise God. Thank you and Bless each and every one of you at Andrew Wommack Ministries. I look forward to watching Healing is Now every week with the different teachers (Daniel, Carrie, Barry, Greg, etc). What Andrew is teaching is truly LIFE CHANGING and I thank the Lord everyday for bringing me to him. Amen.

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His Teachings Might Have Well Have Been the Thing That Rescued Me From Both Physical and Spiritual Death

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Allan Ananura | From: Uganada
Posted On: September 3, 2015

Dear all,

It has been a wonderful experience for me since I got to know the truth about Andrew Wommack. i used to see him on TV and always flipped the channel when he came on TV here in Uganda. Little did I know I would be partnering with the ministry a few years later and that his teachings might have well have been the thing that rescued me from both physical and spiritual death.
I want to thank God for the opportunity to listen to the free audio messages I got to download which I listened to when I was depressed, when I was alone, when all I had was the teachings my bible and God.
I got all the nourishment and encouragement I needed solely from the teachings as my church then was preaching some contrary things.

I thank you Andrew and Jamie and decree a blessing that as you have freely given the LORD will reward you through your children ( Peter )serving the LORD and the “zeal of the fathers house will consume them”. In the name of Jesus.

You Have the Best Team Working for You Andrew, They Are God’s Inspired

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Rejean Paquette | From: Ontario Canada
Posted On:

Wow! The new website is awesome just love it. Congratulations support team you did a great job. Thank you
You have the best team working for you Andrew, they are God’s inspired. Thanks again and have a blessed day!

This Ministered to Me, Blessed Me and Changed Me

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Joyce Jackson | From: Michigan
Posted On:

Thank you for your teaching on Harnessing your emotion that I just saw on TV Day Star! This ministered to me, blessed me and changed me.

I’m Loving the Whole New Look of the Website!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Sarah Nicole Ehiman | From: Paris, France
Posted On:

I’m loving the whole new look of the website! I’ve been a frequent visitor since 2011. Great job! Thank You, Jesus! 🙂

Representing for Our Miracle Boy in the Hospital Blowing Doctors Minds at the Improvement

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Mary Addams | From: Long Island - NY Tri-state area
Posted On:

Yolanda Viviana
Representing for our miracle boy in the hospital blowing doctors minds at the improvement!!! #teamMikey #keepPraying #allDay — with Brian Dellerman, Laureen Hernandez, Nicole Mojica, Kyzer Sosa and Vanessa Vaz.

Enjoying the Modern Layout and Having Fun Trying to Find All the Parts I Knew So Well Before

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Roanne | From: Trinidad
Posted On:

Enjoying the modern layout and having fun trying to find all the parts I knew so well before. Keep on being a blessing. I continue to walk in health, having been healed of cancer through the laying on of hands, faith and application of healing teachings I learned here. God bless you.

I So Enjoyed Your Teaching Today

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Madison James | From: Washington
Posted On:

Hello Andrew,
I so enjoyed your teaching today, it so reminded me of something I had heard that runs along those lines.”People are willing to change their circumstances, but they are generally willing to change themselves” with God’s help of course! Thanks again!

Jesus Has Delivered Me From Alcoholism

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Jack Howard | From: Nashville
Posted On:

Andrew I have spent 25 years in AA and I believe Jesus has delivered me from alcoholism and there is more to life than sitting around a table saying I’m Jack and I’m an alcoholic As the proverb says as a maan says he is so is he

Therefore Now No Condemnation in Christ Jesus

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Charles Brunin | From: Grande Prairie Alberta
Posted On:

No matter what my body does, I am not my body. Romans 7:17 Now, then it is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me. If I was ordered by sin to sin then sin is guilty or sin sinned, and not me. If it is “no more I that do it” it is impossible for me to sin. Romans 8:1 Therefore now no condemnation in Christ Jesus.

My Parents Played Andrew Wommack Tapes for Me When I Was a Small Child and I Continue to Listen and Partner

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Lindsey White | From: Charlotte, NC
Posted On:

I just want to say thank you to Andrew Wommack and Jamie Wommack and the entire staff for doing such a great job, day-in and day-out, for the Kingdom of God. I’ve been so blessed listening for the past 30 years, and I’m 34! My parents played Andrew Wommack tapes for me when I was a small child and I continue to listen and partner, along with my wife, Melody.

Also, as a graphic designer, I’ve got to say, Wow, what a great new website. I think it looks and works amazing. Keep up the excellence in everything you do!

We love you,

Lindsey and Melody

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