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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Rita K

On September 10, 2024

Reaching out from: Los Angeles

I’ve been following Andrew Wommack for a few years, reading his books (You’ve Already Got It + God Wants You Well), and watching testimonies. I recently came to the Healing is Here 2024 Conference. I was prayed over by so many ministers. I’ve been speaking to my body and commanding symptoms out. I’ve been trying foods that I haven’t had in a while due to sensitivities. I’m walking out my healing and I’m so grateful. I know my stomach is healed and I’m seeing the manifestation of it. Praise God. Thank you and Bless each and every one of you at Andrew Wommack Ministries. I look forward to watching Healing is Now every week with the different teachers (Daniel, Carrie, Barry, Greg, etc). What Andrew is teaching is truly LIFE CHANGING and I thank the Lord everyday for bringing me to him. Amen.

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I’m Still Meditating on the Seeds of Truth That Were Sown Into My Heart

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Prosperous Paula | From: chicago
Posted On: September 4, 2015

Hello Andrew, Jamie, and GTS staff, and volunteers. Thank you for a wonderful time in Chicago! I’m sure many lives were changed mine included. I’m still meditating on the seeds of truth that were sown into my heart. May God Almighty continue to bless you, keep you, make His face to shine upon, protect you, and give you peace, in Jesus name.

Thanks Andrew for Hiring Such Amazing Teachers

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Lisa | From: Philadelphia, PA
Posted On:

Dear Andrew,I have been so blessed by listening to Carlie Terradez videos from Healing Is Here conference as well as her archived videos. She is a powerful gifted teacher: if she is willing , please increase her level of teaching at your school so we can listen more..Her sense of humor, the fact that she is so “real” about her issues and how the Holy Spirit lead her to you Andrew is so inspirational. In addition to Carlie, we want to hear more from Greg Mohr: wow, another spirirt lead teacher who is so “real;” and his examples/stories re: his healing journey, “types” of people (abandoned, etc) we need to hear from Carly and Greg more..Thanks Andrew for hiring such amazing teachers..Barry Bennet is great too and Danial Amstutz has such a sweet tender loving spirirt. He has such a soft gentleness about him that is so healing to listen to. He and Carly during the Healing is Hear conference were like love/grace in action. They were adorable and funny; I learned so much from them and they were a joy to listen to. Thank you Andrew too for making all these teachers/events available online via healing school, etc. Many blessings to you all:))

The Pain Is Gone and I’ve Also Began to Speak in Tongues

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Brenda | From: Pa
Posted On:

I would like to give a praise report! Attended you conference in pgh ps a few months a ago and claimed the healing in my ears!! I’ve had pain in my ears all my life! The pain is gone and I’ve also began to speak in tongues! Praise God!!!!!!

I Dare to Say He Will Lay Down His Life for the Honor of God’s WORD

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Emmanuel | From: Illinois
Posted On:

Hi Andrew,Just got back form the Chicago Gospel Truth Seminar. My wife and I had gone and it was a great time to learn form people that have experienced the kind of life I am seeking to walk in more and more. One thing nonetheless makes me to continue to hold Brother Andrew in high esteem. He is a man who believes in and is so convinced about what the WORD says. I dare to say He will lay down His life for the honor of God’s WORD. Andrew Wommack’s humility also blesses me. He is a man who is not insecure at all. I was amazed he will admit that he has had to fight an infection in his ears for six years even in recent times. I believe most men of God that teach what he teaches won’t admit to that. He is not out to please people but to help them and teach the truth. I see the nature of Jesus in Him and I believe He is someone I can follow as I see Him follow Jesus. Thank you Andrew for being an example to the believers. God’s blessings continue to rest upon you and the call He has given you. Thank you for all your teachings

I Just Discovered the YouTube Video of the CBC Version of Happy by Pharrell Williams

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Mandie | From: AL
Posted On:

Andrew, I just discovered the YouTube video of the CBC version of Happy by Pharrell Williams. I love it !! I’m a long time partner and love seeing all of you at CBC have a good time. I watch all of you online and it is such a blessing.

I Believe, He Was Touched by Jesus

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Kb | From:
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Hi!Thank you Manuel (I hope, I remember your name correctly) for the prayer for my husband, who had high blood pressure. I believe, he was touched by Jesus. After prayer and after walking with the dog, he measured a blood pressure of 129/90, as before it was much higher. Thank you Jesus!

Thank You for Tapping Into That Power in You to Present This Revelation Boldly

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Anu Ram | From: India
Posted On:

Hi Andrew,If God wanted Paul to write another book it would have been “Spirit soul n body”. I believe God chose you for him. Its deep,revolutionizing yet easy to grasp. Thank you for tapping into that power in you to present this revelation boldly. I recommend every born again believer read this before you read any other book. Thanks Andrew again.

I Was Instantly Healed of Many Things

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Vanaja | From: India
Posted On:

Dear Andrew, Healing is here conference is a real blessing in my life.I watched some of the sessions In archives.The opening session on 11th August was really a wonderful blessing to me and I was instantly healed of many things. Your ministry is really helpful to us to learn simple truths of God and see the benefits after implementing them in our lives.Healing school archives are of immense blessing and thanks to the ministry staff.

I’ve Received So Much Healing and Am Able to Walk in the Truth by Partnering With You

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Charlotte Smalley | From:
Posted On:

Power of Partnership! Thank you for enlightening me of the power of partnership that provides the giver with the anointing of your ministry! Many Christians are givers, but don’t realize the benefits they receive in specific areas of their life according to the anointing on the ministry they partner with. I’ve received so much healing and am able to walk in the Truth by partnering with you. What a life-changing truth you shared. And discipleship. I’m bold to witness , minister healing and share Gospel Truths now!! Your teaching is so easy to understand. Thank you for not backing down from the Truth in the Word.

He Woke in ICU With a Big Smile and Is Doing Just Fine

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Vera | From: England
Posted On:

Hi Andrew, I would like to give a praise report, I phoned for prayer for my brother who had been waiting for a heart operation, He collapsed and was taken into hospital, I phoned the prayer line and asked for prayer for him. I prayed also and asked the Lord to amaze the Doctors and nurses, then I sang How great is our God. The Doctors told my family they thought he wouldnt make it it was so bad. But he did and when we talked with the nurse she said we are amazed with your brother he woke in ICU with a big smile and is doing just fine. The next morning mys sister was also taken into hospital with an angina attack, I panicked at first but then remembered your words Andrew.Take control of your emotions, so I did with tears and prayed the way you have taught me and praised and thanked the lord. She is out now but has damage to her heart . I am still doing what I know how and would appreciate you praying for me Andrew I have been praying for so long for my needs. God bless, Vera . Great to see see the healing school on line I love it so much.

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