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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Rita K

On September 10, 2024

Reaching out from: Los Angeles

I’ve been following Andrew Wommack for a few years, reading his books (You’ve Already Got It + God Wants You Well), and watching testimonies. I recently came to the Healing is Here 2024 Conference. I was prayed over by so many ministers. I’ve been speaking to my body and commanding symptoms out. I’ve been trying foods that I haven’t had in a while due to sensitivities. I’m walking out my healing and I’m so grateful. I know my stomach is healed and I’m seeing the manifestation of it. Praise God. Thank you and Bless each and every one of you at Andrew Wommack Ministries. I look forward to watching Healing is Now every week with the different teachers (Daniel, Carrie, Barry, Greg, etc). What Andrew is teaching is truly LIFE CHANGING and I thank the Lord everyday for bringing me to him. Amen.

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No More Smoking!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Eleanor Lock | From: Bella Vista, Arkansas
Posted On: September 14, 2015

Dear Daniel and Carlie!Something went wrong with the transmission of the ‘Healing is Here’ conference, don’t know if it was our internet provider or our computer or what, so we didn’t watch the conference. My husband said, “Well, they will archive it and then we can watch”Trouble is, life interferes, and just recently started to watch the conference. I have been watching the awesome morning sessions, and been SO blessed!If anyone is reading this that intended to go to the conference and didn’t go (as happened to us!) then be sure to watch online! Awesome!My own testimony concerning the Baptism in the Holy Spirit dates back to 1972 when at the urging of a friend, I went to a meeting where a young preacher was preaching on the Holy Spirit! (I did not know that there be such a thing, but I was a very young Christian and had very recently been born again) My friend in urging me to go, asked me if there was anything I needed from God…and I said, ‘oh, definitely! I need to give up cigarettes, because Valerie (our 2 year old) has been trying to imitate me in my smoking!’Well, I went forward at the meeting, the young minister prayed and cast out the spirit of nicotine, and then prayed for me to receive the Holy Spirit.Well, that was that, I thought! I didn’t know what to expect, so I just went about my business. My friend called and asked if I was still smoking (which I was) and if I was speaking in tongues! Well, that horrified me, the very thought of it. Then I read the very good book “They Speak With Other Tongues” and warmed up to the idea gradually. Two weeks later, I was in a peach orchard with my step-mother, and she asked me to climb up on the ladder and reach for the peaches on the top part of the peach tree, so I did and as I reached for the upper-most peach on the tree, a bolt of the God-kind of lightning went thru me, and I started speaking in tongues, and almost fell off the ladder! (surprising my step-mother no end, I might add!) I explained to her, “I don’t need to smoke cigarettes anymore!” God instantly took away the desire for me to smoke! When I got home, I called a friend and asked her if she’d like 4 cartons of Newport cigarettes, I had recently been to the military commissary and stocked up) She said, “really? Do you mean that? I’ll be right over”From that point on, as Daniel and Carlie said, the scriptures opened up to me, I read my bible day and night, and I lost ALL my partying friends! I didn’t smoke, cuss or drink any longer! They noticed it right away, and I was virtually friendless, except for my one Christian friend but that was fine with me because I wanted nothing more than to remain in His Presence and be blessed by Him! Those things held no charms for me from that point on. I look back on that period of time (it lasted for around 3 months) and wish it could be so again! I was in almost a dreamlike state, but in watching the conference I realized (that which I already knew) that He never left me, and all I needed was a fresh infilling! Praise God! I realize that it may not be that initial ‘honeymoon’ experience, but fresh infillings are for the believer every day! Thank you both for all you do, (you lovely people!) and how hard you work, it IS appreciated by more than you will ever know! God bless you all!


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Alan and Lori | From: California
Posted On:

We are very excited to be moving out to Colorado on Monday 8/31!!

Alan Moore

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Glenn and Meredith Richards | From: Harrisburg, PA
Posted On:

We were sad to hear on the program today about the death of Allen Moore. His healing was such a powerful testimony! When he was working at the phone center he left us a wonderful message on how thankful he was that we were partners with the ministry. Our condolences to AWMI and this wife and family. We rejoice that he is now in heaven with Jesus!


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Peter Travis | From: Connecticut
Posted On:

Andrew was awesome today.I admire his boldness so much.Anytime you talk about race in this country,you’re opening yourself to vicious criticism,but when you speak the truth through God’s word -well let the critics have at it.Andrew-there are more with us than those against us-Amen.God Bless you and see you in November!

Thank You

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Amber Miller | From: Baltic, Ohio
Posted On:

Andrew, I just wanted to say thank you for always being bold and speaking the truth, regardless of how others may receive it. Particularly in this area of harnessing your emotions, people can get very offended because they don’t want to think they have any part to play. Many people claim they can’t help it because they don’t want to feel any responsibility, and our modern day culture encourages them to be that way. Thank you for going against the grain of society and speaking the truth in love. Those who can handle the truth benefit greatly from your ministry, and you are an encouragement to me to not shy away but to boldly speak the truth in love because that is what truly helps people. God bless!

Set Free Through the Love of JESUS!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Daisy Norton | From: Canada
Posted On:

I am a 67 yr old female.Sexually abused by my father when I was 7, I never told till I was 40,of course he was not the only one.So as a victim,I became a drug user by injecting them into my blood or any other way of getting them into me.All drugs did not matter,somehow I was then a full blown alcoholic going to AA.I was a thief and a liar.I tried to take my own life 3 times that I remember.
GOD’S LOVE for me was so great that he has delivered me from all of my so called afflictions and I now Know that my Lord Jesus Christ died for sinners like me.Now I am free,I claim victory in the Name Of My Savior Jesus
Christ.Most ,well all of the people that I did all that stuff with are dead now.I had all the diseases that they died of and I had cancer in my 50th year the beginning of my faith,got bald and all, oh and HEALED of so many body things i can not keep track anymore.PRAISE THE LORD!

Ministers Wives

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Lorraine Ainsworth | From: colorado springs
Posted On:

. In the south, there are so many small churches that are hard on the woman submitting to the husband.. It was almost a type of slavery… But when you are born again and walking with the Lord, submission is a natural thing out of love… So many wives got so hurt. What I really like about Charis in the mts bible school is that these men speakers will in the beginning of their talks acknowledge that God is dealing with them to prefer their wife more and put her before the ministry… HOW TRUE… Not before God but the ministry. SHe is not a doormat, a rag, a slave, and it is so wonderful to hear… Please keep saying that… I love the conferences, and the fact that most of them are free and we can give as we have it… I am praying my grown adult kids will visit in these conferences too. thanks for breaking the cycle of idolizing the ministers and the wife is his side kick no more… but his rib… thanks…


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Gabriele Puchner | From: Leibnitz, Austria
Posted On:

Andrew is talking about “behaviour modification vs. NEW creature” on his Sep 8 program. I can testify to that personally, having been an alcoholic for 11 years due to severe sex. abuse during my childhood. Being in CA as an aupair I got born again and a few years later I entered a Bible College where I had to sign to withhold from all drug-like substances. 10 years later, back in my hometown in the middle of the Vineyards in Southern Austria, I started to drink a glass of wine once in a while and NEVER ever developed a problem with alcohol again for the next 28 years. Then the Lord told me in the middle of the night to abstain from alcohol altogether which I am doing now for a bit more than a year. I guess He did so bec. I had started to develop bad headaches after drinking even small amounts of alcohol and now they are gone.
I have been listening to Andrew over the last 27 years (he has even visited our tiny church in Austria around 1989) and can personally testify to everything he’s teaching as being true! Be it physical, emotional healing, renewal, finances… God IS true to His Word! If we come to Him totally depending on Him for everything he won’t let us down. Even though I’ve gone thru two broken marriages (not heeding His warnings) and raised my sons by myself (relying on Father’s promises in Isaiah 54) I feel closer to Him everyday, having experienced His grace and faithfulness! Looking forward to the days to come…

Ho[y Spirit Led Giving

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Doreen Ashley | From: Stafford. U.K.
Posted On:

Dear Andrew I have recently reconnected with your ministry via the TV broadcasts. I was a member of the tour when you toured England, Ireland and Scotland with Will Graham’s Victory Church some years ago.
Quite ” by chance” I saw your construction site on one of your broadcasts and I thought I would love to send you some money. I thought £100 would be my absolute limit but I gladly decided to “go for it”. However, the following day as I prayed about it the Lord put into my mind the sum of £500 which I had saved for new windows in my house. Although taken aback by this I knew not to question the leading of the Holy Spirit. I am delighted and priviledged to be able to sow into such good ground. I have sent it via the Walsall address with my very best wishes and prayers. Doreen.

Thank You!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Pouran Moelller | From: Germany
Posted On:

Good Morning dear Andrew,
thank you for sharing Debbi’s Testimony on TV today! Thank you Debbi ! YES and AMEN to that JESUS bore our grief on the cross!
Thank You, JESUS!!!!!!!! Glory, glory, glory to Your Wonderful Name, JESUS!!!!!!!!

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