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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Rita K

On September 10, 2024

Reaching out from: Los Angeles

I’ve been following Andrew Wommack for a few years, reading his books (You’ve Already Got It + God Wants You Well), and watching testimonies. I recently came to the Healing is Here 2024 Conference. I was prayed over by so many ministers. I’ve been speaking to my body and commanding symptoms out. I’ve been trying foods that I haven’t had in a while due to sensitivities. I’m walking out my healing and I’m so grateful. I know my stomach is healed and I’m seeing the manifestation of it. Praise God. Thank you and Bless each and every one of you at Andrew Wommack Ministries. I look forward to watching Healing is Now every week with the different teachers (Daniel, Carrie, Barry, Greg, etc). What Andrew is teaching is truly LIFE CHANGING and I thank the Lord everyday for bringing me to him. Amen.

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Category: Uncategorized | Name: Jo Jean Knard | From: Wichita, Kansas
Posted On: September 14, 2015

THANK YOU for the Facebook page! There is so much “Christian clutter” everywhere and for me, if I just go to that Facebook page, there is always some quick Word that will clear that clutter right up. Yay, God! Thanks, Andrew!

Good Ground

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Laurie | From: Canada
Posted On:

I just want you to know, Andrew, Jamie, and all the staff and teachers at Charis Bible College and Andrew Wommack Ministries, how much this ministry has blessed and encouraged me. I’ve had several turnarounds that have completely changed my life and it was all from hearing the truth taught here. I’m totally on board with all the plans you have for the Bible College buildings at Woodland Park and I’m enthusiastically supporting it financially. I believe it will impact the United States and the world and I’m praying and believing for a similar impact in Canada. I had my first visit there recently and attended the Family Bible Conference and it was awesome! I also love the website with all the free Bible teaching and access to conference videos and testimonies. I’m on the website everyday and watch your program online. To my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, if you’ve benefited from this ministry and haven’t yet supported it financially, please consider doing so. It’s very good ground to sow your seed into! I heard the Healing is Here Conference is already booked solid so there is already a need for a bigger building. God bless you all and thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! 🙂

A “Glow” About You

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Shannon | From: Washington State
Posted On:

Pastor , I meet you August7th in Seattle. It was great to finely see the man that God sent to me to teach me the word. I wanted to say thank you again, and are you aware that you have a “glow” about you? In some people, you can actually see an aura of God around them. You are a blessed man Pastor. Thank you for loving God. Your testimony and teachings have changed my life. You are”my” Paul. In Christ,Shannon Rarig

Thank You

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Sandi Hutchins | From: Battle Ground, Washington
Posted On:

Both Mike and I wish to thank you, once more, for your written teachings and daily programs! It was especially a great blessing to personally meet you at the rally in Portland Oregon and be able to directly say this. (Thank you for coming to the west coast). Your message on THE WORD (as always) is our most important factor in our Christian walk and enjoyed the entire evening immensely. Your gracious manner and spiritual calmness is as meeting Christ Himself. Mike and I together gave Christ our hearts and spirits 45 years ago and ask the Holy Spirit to come unto us just this last year thru your teaching web site. Not until our re-accepting Him with you personally, had the gift of speaking in tongues graced my mouth. Thank you Andrew…thank you Father, my sweet Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit for centering me in all aspects in my life. We look forward to meeting with you again Andre in the future here or in eternity. God continue to bless you and be with and in and around you.


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Mrs Johnnie Lary | From: Florida
Posted On:

She watched the conference from Englandand she is still feeling the presenceof the Lord and wants you to know how much she appreciates you Andrew.

Love This Ministry

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Shonna | From: Paragould, Ar
Posted On:

I love this ministry and CBC online courses and I pray you create an app with all your teachings and commentary together that ppl can download free on Google play. I wish it was already created. We use our phones more than we use pcs and I love having study plans and all tools on my phone so I can keep my nose and eyes in the word day and night. Thank you for your sacrifice to our country and our Lord!


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Vera | From: England
Posted On:

Hi Andrew sorry I couldn’t make it to see you when you cam to England in the summer. Would love it if you came to Walsall for longer this time so we could come to see you. I have been watching healing school all last week wishing I was there, so amazing. (Vera England)


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Johnny Ray | From: North Carolina
Posted On:

Your Roku channel is awesome!

Awesome Teachings

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Sandra | From: California
Posted On:

Hi Andrew Thank you for your excellent radio broadcast on, “Staying Full Of God” series! They are simply awesome teachings and speak so true to my soul. I continue to pray for my dear friend Andrew that he will be delivered from homosexuality. I hope he will contact me soon and we will be great friends again.

Support the Decision

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Veronika | From: Austria
Posted On:

Hi Andrew,just want to say I do NOT intend to critisize you for deciding to slow down the building process of the Auditorium. Sir, you earn my respect in so many ways and saying you’ve decided something like that in such an honest and adequate manner only makes me appreciate and respect you more, not less.– Veronika

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