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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Ginnielee Green

On October 7, 2024

Reaching out from: Florida

I watch Andrew every am 6:30. The week he taught on Hebrews I finally made the decision that I had been contemplating for years. I was in a very bad relationship with someone that literally had me trapped. I’m 59 so I was worried about just taking off. The only place I had to go was 87 year old dad’s house in Georgia. I got up that morning found a way to get the money together for a flight. Which was a miracle. I booked the flight I got a taxi to take me to train as soon as he left for work. I only had $7 left. I made it to the airport but started having second thoughts. I almost canceled my ticket but something made me call their prayer line and I spoke to a young lady that told me to keep going you’re doing the right thing keep going I got on the plane I’m here at my daddy’s and I am sinning no more. He never wanted to marry me and he controlled my every move. He doesn’t believe in God but he told me he did when we met. Thank GOD FOR ANDREW & YOUNG LADY ON PRAYER LINE. IM FREE

Ginnielee Green

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Journey With Christ

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Nandini Charles | From: India
Posted On: September 24, 2015

Thank you Andrew for what you are doing with People lives, I am so blessed and every Teaching Material on your website and your message on Tv broadcast is so amazing .
like two edged sword word of god is penetrating into people Heart and changing their lives.
I cant wait to enroll for correspondence Bible course and i am believing god, by the time i finish the correspondence course god will open doors for me to come to Colorado springs for 2nd and 3 rd year.
God is touching Many people lives and Harvester like you are plowing heart of the people so that the word seed will grow and multiply.
Bless you and your ministry.

Thank you

Kudos on Site

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Luningning De Jesus | From: Fairfield, CA
Posted On:

I just wanted to congratulate the AWMI team for the site’s new look. Great graphics, peaceful color scheme, beautiful clean lines and all the various elements work well together, including the redesigned logo. For all the people that worked hard on this, at least one user says THANK YOU for a much more pleasurable visual experience to complement the rich spiritual offerings on this site.


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Samson Belayneh | From:
Posted On:

I started to listen to Andrew for almost one year and it has greatly affected my life for better. His integrity in every area has created assurance of what he is teaching is of God.
But of all I have seen impact on my life after I heard the financial stewardship series. He helped me to see prosperity from a different angle which I haven’t heard before. After I heard him I decided to sell my phone and give to the church where I minister and after I did that I experienced a great joy. After that I received a gift from a friend. I never expected anything from him and at the time I was looking for it and it was a miracle. With the money I was able to register for a training which will open a door of financial breakthrough. I am a minister and from that teaching I learned that I must be working until the ministery grow. So I decided to find a part time job and here I got one with the money I received. And at last I got a better phone miracleously. Even though it’s little I learned a great lesson from this that God is faithful for his word. I have decided to partner with your ministry and I believe it will happen soon. Love u all.

The Gospel Truth

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Linda Cowart | From: Powder Springs, GA
Posted On:

I want to thank Andrew for conveying the word of God in such a way that is easy to understand. I watch The Gospel Truth every morning at 6:30 a.m. and it starts my day off in a very positive light. Today’s message spoke directly to me in that Andrew explained that God communicates with our spirit person through his Word. I do not believe I have ever heard that before or if I had, I was too hardheaded to hear it; however, I understood it today and I want to thank Andrew for speaking directly to me daily to express the love of God and Jesus.


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Olicia Brown | From: Charlotte, NC
Posted On: September 23, 2015

I had strayed away from God but for the past month I’ve been trying to get my life lined back up with God’s will. One morning I was watching a Christian channel and Andrew Womack came on. I usually turn the channel when his show comes but then he begin to speak on Faith. Something in me lit up when I heard him speak and then I became more drawn to hear more of his message. It was like God gave him a word that I needed to hear. I got so excited and the message he delivered gave me hope that God will get me another chance. So later that day I googled Andrew Womack and found the website and I was so amazed at everything that was on the site. I felt bad that I would turn the channel everytime he would come on to teach. I saw that he was coming to Charlotte to do a revival at Freedom Christian Center which is located on the same road I lived on. I knew it was God!!! I went to the revival and I feel like that revival was the beginning of a fresh start for me. I went to the front for prayer every night I was there. I didn’t care what people thought of me I knew I couldn’t let this moment pass me by. I was having problems with my throat and a lady prayed for the first night and I got healed!! Not immediately but the next day I woke up and it felt like God gave me a new throat. Then the last night of revival Andrew said (paraphrasing) “There is someone here that strayed from good and he want you to know that he hasn’t given up on you and he is waiting with open arms for you to come back. God has great plans for you”.(It was something in line with that) That was confirmation. I knew God was calling me back. That was my confirmation that God had not given up on me and he was giving me another chance. God is so good. That revival made a big difference in my life. It did more for me than years of teachings I receive in the past. God is so good!!! Thank you Lord for a second chance and for using Andrew Womack and his team to minister to the world and to set the captives free.

Glory to God

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Madhuri Singh | From: INDIA
Posted On:

I had interview on 14 sept 2015 . i did not have business suit but panel has selected me for goverment job. i m so blessed to have this job . glory to GOD

Life Changing

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Chong Culbertson | From: PENSACOLA, FLORIDA
Posted On:

Good morning Mr. Andrew!
I wanted to thank you for your true teaching of Word of God!
Months ago, I down loaded your teaching messages thru podcast and I have been listening daily when i have a chance.
Word of God inspiring me so much and i am changing my life thru Him.
You are the true teacher who speaks true and be boldly say what it is!
lots of people in ministry, don’t deliver the what God said in Bible, but you say boldly what God said and you are not afraid what other people’s opinions or thinking’s. I have been seeking a true meaning of Word of God and i am so happy to learning from you teaching.
My family is now going thru a tough time due to not knowing love of God. My husband has been battling with an alcoholic and he said he is not.
Few years ago, we were going thru a divorcing process but we came back together to make a better life.
He stopped drinking for 6 months then started drinking again excessively.
I can say he drinks more than eats. He and my daughter had a big fight that really bad and ugly.
Daughter moved out and we are going thru a difficult time.
I am in peace and full of joy in the Lord no matter what my circumstance surrounding me but my husband is not.
I am putting all my burdens to the my Lord Jesus and i thanking Him everyday!
I am learning so much from your teaching and it is changing my life completely inside out.
I hope and pray that my husband will know the love of God then it will change his life completely.
I started to give on to your ministry and I am sure i found the right place to give and grow.
I ordered your Cd’s for me to listen and hopping my husband will listen.
I listen your teaching when i ride my bike or walk and i enjoy so much.
God is awesome and great!
I wanted to know you are doing a wonderful job!

Chong Culbertson

Absolute Thankfulness

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Ilse Geertshuis | From: India
Posted On:

Today I want to praise and thank God our Father for healing manifested in a brother. After surgery he developed DVT. It was picked up late and loss of both his legs loomed. He got hold of the truth about the true nature of God, that he already has his healing and a better way to pray. The plan of the enemy to steal was thwarted. He will be discharged from hospital today, both legs healing miraculously. Thank you Jesus, thank you for your finished work on the Cross. Thank you Andrew for teaching us.

Such a Good Word!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Phil Minard | From: Charleston, SC
Posted On:

Dear Andrew, my wife and I had the blessing of hearing and meeting you on your last night in Charlotte at the Freedom Christian Center last week. What a Blessing! You spoke on Unbelief as our greatest enemy, using the example of John the Baptist…who would of thought? That good word was a true encouragement to me…it reminded me that, as humans, none of us (even “the greatest of men born to women”) is exempt for falling into doubt and unbelief when overcome by circumstances…None of us have arrived and God’s not finished with any of us, this side of heaven…I trust you had a great visit in TN and are safely back home in CO…Our two sons are in good hands at CBC!…God bless you, Andrew!

Thank You!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Dawn Auble | From: Charlotte, NC
Posted On:

Thank you for coming to Charlotte, NC to the FCC Camp Meeting, every year. It is a great blessing!
Philippians 1:3-11

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