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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Ruth Mdluli

On August 23, 2024

Reaching out from: Eswatini

God is good. Through listening to Andrew’s teachings on finances and God’s kind of love in marriage, my life has changed for the better. My marriage and finances have been restored. My husband has a good paying job and I am believing for my own job. I currently unemployed but my heart is full of praise for what God has already done in my life. Praise God!

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Such a Good Word!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Phil Minard | From: Charleston, SC
Posted On: September 23, 2015

Dear Andrew, my wife and I had the blessing of hearing and meeting you on your last night in Charlotte at the Freedom Christian Center last week. What a Blessing! You spoke on Unbelief as our greatest enemy, using the example of John the Baptist…who would of thought? That good word was a true encouragement to me…it reminded me that, as humans, none of us (even “the greatest of men born to women”) is exempt for falling into doubt and unbelief when overcome by circumstances…None of us have arrived and God’s not finished with any of us, this side of heaven…I trust you had a great visit in TN and are safely back home in CO…Our two sons are in good hands at CBC!…God bless you, Andrew!

Thank You!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Dawn Auble | From: Charlotte, NC
Posted On:

Thank you for coming to Charlotte, NC to the FCC Camp Meeting, every year. It is a great blessing!
Philippians 1:3-11


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Margie Hanly | From: MI
Posted On:

A zillion thanks for your ministry. I became an alcoholic 12 yrs ago. Listening to the truth on how God loved me even in that state, gave me hope. I began to desire to please Him and have been delivered for 14 months. I thought I would have to go to AA everyday to remain free, but hearing u speak the truth set me free. I went for 2 wks and believed God to deliver me. He did and I never had to go back to AA. God is amazing. Thank you for not slacking in speaking truth. The harness your emotions is phenomenal !!

Thanks for the Prayer

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Brian Stewart | From: arizona
Posted On:

Thanks for your support

We Made It!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Alan and Lori | From: Colorado Springs
Posted On:

Hi Andrew,
We are correspondence students, but felt God leading us to CO. early to get into position for 2nd year! We just arrived 2 -1/2 wks ago and are in Escrow with a home in Woodland Park, only 1 mile from the CBC campus! Preparation time is never wasted time.

Hernia Healed

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Floyd Easterman | From: Milwaukee, WI
Posted On:

I was amongst 1700 whom attended, “Healing is Here” two summers ago, on your new campus in Colorado.
During that week of the most awesome teaching, two of your students whom had been instructed in your Healing School, had prayed for me. For the healing of a Hernia in my left groin and above the belly button. Also there was another visitor whom also had prayed for me while in the book shop. I am acknowledging that I have been healed and have had to change my own perspective because I had not seen instant results, and being discouraged about it. Knowing God’s Word is absolutely true and will not return void, those prayers in my behalf were not in vain. I am believing in faith that my healing has taken place in God’s provision for my health. Respectfully, floyd easterman

Thank You

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Cynthia Brandt | From: Danville, CA
Posted On:

Thank you so much for allowing .me to pray with you in Charlotte. Hows your new tooth?


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Thelma Bregg | From: Surrey, BC
Posted On: September 22, 2015

I have UNlearned so much from Andrew’s teachings. Thank You for making them available Via Internet.

A New Life in Jesus

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Sara | From: Europe
Posted On:

Hi! I just want to say thank you. Thank you Andrew Wommack and his ministry that are sharing God’s word. I have got a new life after listening to teaching of Andrew about God’s love. From to be a person with suicide thoughts and with lots of fears I’m now a brand new person in Jesus Christ. If you are out there and wondering if this is for you too then I can tell you, Jesus sitting already and waiting on you and He wants to give you His love and change your life. Jesus is the Lord <3 Blessings to you all!

Removing Hindrances

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Eileen C. | From: Richmond
Posted On:

On August 18 2015 I called the prayer line and talked with Doug about a job, but not just any job, because that is what I could do under my own steam. But, I wanted THE job that God had for me. I had been praying for over two years (and unemployed by design for all that time) for the Lord to bring me the job He wanted for me. I tried several things but all the doors shut tight on me.
Well, Doug lead me to speak positive confessions over my situation and to remove hindrances. Less than two weeks later, the perfect job, that threaded the needle of my crazy schedule, arrived. I’m now working with a Holy Spirit filled, tongue talking gal who just blesses me every day we’re work together!! We even pray for and lay hands on her friends, as part of my ‘job’, and I get paid to go to church and sing in the choir, since she attends my church and needs me Sunday mornings. It was a long wait – but God made me laugh and cry that day I was hired. Thank you LORD and thank you AWMI and Doug! When in need…call the prayer line!! God is Good!!!

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