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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Ginnielee Green

On October 7, 2024

Reaching out from: Florida

I watch Andrew every am 6:30. The week he taught on Hebrews I finally made the decision that I had been contemplating for years. I was in a very bad relationship with someone that literally had me trapped. I’m 59 so I was worried about just taking off. The only place I had to go was 87 year old dad’s house in Georgia. I got up that morning found a way to get the money together for a flight. Which was a miracle. I booked the flight I got a taxi to take me to train as soon as he left for work. I only had $7 left. I made it to the airport but started having second thoughts. I almost canceled my ticket but something made me call their prayer line and I spoke to a young lady that told me to keep going you’re doing the right thing keep going I got on the plane I’m here at my daddy’s and I am sinning no more. He never wanted to marry me and he controlled my every move. He doesn’t believe in God but he told me he did when we met. Thank GOD FOR ANDREW & YOUNG LADY ON PRAYER LINE. IM FREE

Ginnielee Green

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Mr. Bruce Field

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Bruce Field Field | From: simcoe , ontario canada
Posted On: October 5, 2015

the lord jesus healed me two months ago,i had a stone passthrough me, I was in pain,, I touched my self,kept repeating,by his stripes, I am healed. imust of fell asleep, when iawoke up, I had no pain. praise the lord jesus. amen sincerely, bruce field


Category: Uncategorized | Name: L. | From: USA
Posted On:


In loved this week’s programs. I am also happy that your guest is black, especially since the homosexual community seems to think being gay is the new black. I have no idea how black people are not beyond offended by that. Just a little extra info… I am an offfended black women.

I wanted to say that I wish people including our President would stop trying to make this LGBT thing a LGBT versus Christianity thing. I believe there are plenty of atheists,muslims,buddhists etc. that believe homsexuality is wrong.

I know you have a Christian program Andrew, but you don’ t need a Bible to know homosexuality is wrong, all you need is a little common sense. You can preach morality, but in this immoral and afraid to speak the truth world, you are talking to deaf ears. Yes, living a homosexual lifestyle is morally wrong, and for those with no morals, it’s also biologically wrong. I believe most people believe homosexuality is wrong, including the homosexuals parading around pretending to be “gay”. I wish people who believe this is wrong, especially Christians , would speak up for the truth as loud, persistent and unapologetically as the homosexuals speak up for their lie that they are shoving down our throats and our children’s throat.

God ,the creator of the universe sent his son Jesus so that we could have life and have it more abundantly. He did not send Jesus so we could have more HIV/AIDS , anal cancer, substance abuse, suicide rates, domestic violence and on and on.

I wouldn’t want the homosexual lifestyle for anyone that I love. If I wouldn’t want this for my loved ones, why would it be OK for me to promote it and pretend that it’s OK for someone else’s loved one? You shouldn’t want anything for someone else that you wouldn’t want for yourself or your family. I never dreamt of my son bringing home a man to rub beards with, or my daughter bringing home a women to do who knows what with? That would be “unnaturally” ridiculous.

God is smarter than a fifth grader, Barack Obama , Supreme Court Justices, American Pyschiatric Association, and every homosexual out there pretending to be gay.

Press on Andrew. Someone has to speak the truth in love, and you are doing a great job. The truth is like a breath of fresh air.


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Shirley Dunn | From: South Africa
Posted On:

Really awesome message. Makes me think differently

New Love

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Joanne Jude | From: Scunthorpe England
Posted On:

Thankyou for all your free teachings!! I down load onto my iphone and listen constantly .. They have truly given me fresh eyes and LOVE for God.. And his love for Us and a deep deep Love and respect for our Saviour Jesus! A new focus and Hope for the future and a willing to shape up my attitude and grasp all Ive been given through Christ.. God is amazing Ive been so blessed through your serving him! I want others to know how great his love Is!! Also after spending my whole life with asthma I have have grasped what Jesus did for Us and it’s well and truly on its way out (praise God Thankyou Jesus).. Something i wouldn’t have believed prior to being taught the word properly ! Sending you thanks lots of love and Great Big Blessings!! Jo. Xx


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Mike DeSando | From: Delaware
Posted On:

I’m trying to start a catch phrase about abortion: “LITTLE LIVES MATTER”. I think it could catch on if Andrew were to say it on tv.


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Karen Sherrod | From: Yelm Washington
Posted On:

I just read your article “How much does the Bible get in the way of what you believe” and it’s such food for thought! I believe everything that Jesus taught about issues like abortion, homosexuality and evolution. I just need to stand up and speak out more for what God’s Word says. I want to be His disciple not just a convert. Thank you Andrew. I appreciate your ministry so much. Two of your Bible college graduates are our pastors and they are having a wonderfully positive impact on our church!

I Am Free!!!!!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Kristi Rubio | From: Artesia NM
Posted On:

GLORY TO GOD AND THANKYOU ANDREW WOMMACK !!!! I been set free from depression anger strife and alcohol… I have so much love and joy flowing through me because I now understand God’s love to me… I am so excited I needed to share with someone…

CBC Worship

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Christina | From: Southwest
Posted On:

Hi Andrew,

Just wanted to comment that I think it is amazing that when feasible, Daniel Amstutz has begun inviting people in the “audience” who wish to worship on stage in the choir, to come on up! It totally reduces the possibility of worship turning into a performance with people who are in the spotlight having attitudes (which I have sadly witnessed . . . such a temptation when in the spotlight). It has such a good spirit about it. I have never detected prima donna attitudes on the CBC worship team (either through the things which are said, tones or body language) which I think is because Daniel’s leadership demonstrates a genuine humility and thankfulness. Daniel, Marsha, Adam, Marcus et al. are so encouraging! I love CBC worship!!! We surely need to get away from the rock star mentality. I pray other churches will see this and imitate CBC!!!

Epilepsie Healed/ Hurricane Out to Sea

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Walter Niederberger | From: Switzerland
Posted On:

How awesome is our God, last summer a missionary lady came to our church and want it to quiz me on healing, she was brought up without the knowledge of healing….she had pain in her back and shared with me some of the sick people she had in Greece, so whenever she mentioned one of those sicknesses I prayed instantly over them,

.Understanding how healing works through the teaching of Andrew Wommack…just one week ago this lady e-mailed me that a young Lady, Stavroula who lives in Corinth Greece was freed from her epileptic seizures…Praise God, Psalm 107:20, and the Lord send his word and healed them and saved them from the grave…this is so awesome, I never touched this Lady, the Lord had sent his word and healed her…Hallelujah !!

Last week we had planned to visit my Grand children in southern PA, my wife said that this Hurrican Joaquinn is coming up the cost…On Wednedsay Thursday morning I had prayed with one of Andrew Wommack prayer ministers, to send the Hurrican out to sea…there was an anointing and presence of God, that was so awesome…after the prayer I said to the minister that this hurricane is going out to sea…it was so clear and there was no doubt… on the evening news, sure enough, the projected path of this Hurricane was changing and moving away from the East Coast of the US out into the sea…The Glory and Praise is to God… hallelujah, that the wind and waves obey Him… Oh this is so good…thank you Jesus and thank you Andrew Wommack for your prayer ministers, it was Beverly, they know how to pray and touch the face of God… Hallelujah !!

My Life

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Olicia Brown | From: Charlotte, NC
Posted On:

Hello Again Andrew,

My life is still evolving since that camp meeting in Charlotte last month and Freedom Church. Andrew you said there was someone in the audience that think it’s too late for them but God said it’s not too late. I know that word was for other people in the audience. I went to Morningstar ministries and I received a prophecy in line with what you mentioned. They told I came back to God just at the right time. I’m not sure what that meant but I felt like I was headed for trouble Andrew. I’m again so thankful for you and how much God has used you. I stay on your website reading and just soaking in everything I need to equip myself with to run this race. I have such a strong desire and passion for God now. The more word and revelation I get the more my hunger grows for the things of God. I’m in a desparate pursuit for the Lord and his kingdom. I have a better revelation of what my calling and purpose is so I’m preparing myself to receive what God has for my life.

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