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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Ginnielee Green

On October 7, 2024

Reaching out from: Florida

I watch Andrew every am 6:30. The week he taught on Hebrews I finally made the decision that I had been contemplating for years. I was in a very bad relationship with someone that literally had me trapped. I’m 59 so I was worried about just taking off. The only place I had to go was 87 year old dad’s house in Georgia. I got up that morning found a way to get the money together for a flight. Which was a miracle. I booked the flight I got a taxi to take me to train as soon as he left for work. I only had $7 left. I made it to the airport but started having second thoughts. I almost canceled my ticket but something made me call their prayer line and I spoke to a young lady that told me to keep going you’re doing the right thing keep going I got on the plane I’m here at my daddy’s and I am sinning no more. He never wanted to marry me and he controlled my every move. He doesn’t believe in God but he told me he did when we met. Thank GOD FOR ANDREW & YOUNG LADY ON PRAYER LINE. IM FREE

Ginnielee Green

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A Message for Andrew

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Kathi Winter | From: costa mesa ca
Posted On: October 8, 2015

I support and follow and agree with your teachings. Also i have been an hiv educator for 17 years, and have lived with HIV for 19 years. Today Oct 8 on Gospel Truth i heard you speak about AIDS. You said that it is transmitted from someone coughing or spitting on you ( and you wouldn’t be affected). No one catches the virus through coughing or spitting. There is a protein in saliva that blocks transmission. I am sure you agree that its important we speak accurately about transmission so there isn’t undo fear. Your ministry teaches we aren’t to be afraid anyway. but i know you would want to not spread misnomers about HIV/AIDS. One doesn’t catch AIDS either- HIV is the virus that causes the body to become AIDS diagnosed.( its a medical condition). One does get infected with HIV through transmission of bodily fluids, which are ONLY blood, seamen and mother’s milk. not sweat or saliva or phlem or tears will pass on the virus. i pray this message is a blessing to you. thank you for being a true servant of Jesus Christ. i value your teaching very much. I was given a prophetic word in 1998 that God wants to heal me of HIV. I believe He already has; my body just doesn’t know it YET. thank you for reading this

I Love the Word

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Chandra Kelly | From: London, OH
Posted On:

About 6 years ago my husband was dying of Lung Cancer and I was in the beginning stages of a disabling inherited disease, and a friend of mine I had just met turned us on to Andrew Wommack ministries, unfortunately my husband still went home to the Lord, and my disease has progressed that I am now on disability, and I know a lot of you say “that is terrible”, but I am happy. Because of the Word. I have learned the truth and it has set me free. I know it was from God, but the people he used as instruments in my life to get to this point were Angela and Andrew. I did not know how much of the truth I have put on until my sister’s friend said to my sister that she never hears me complain and I am always trying to give to others when things happen to them. And I study the word a lot on prosperity and healing, plus I have listened to about all of Andrew’s teachings and I try to hold every thought captive to the Word, you could say I put on the Word of God and many people have noticed the good change in my life, I think of David, when he called for the Ephod to help him control his emotions which in turn controls your actions, and sometimes I have to force myself to do it, but it always works. I have true joy. But what even makes me happier is when I share God’s Word with Love and people notice and they say you re really know the word it was encouragement to me just listening to you or when I have debate something with someone, I can speak the truth in love, and sometimes now I see a difference in them. People have not heard the too good to be true news and I love sharing it with them. People blame God for everything and at the point of ruffling feathers sometimes I say no that is not true when asked. I do not start fights, but if I have the opportunity to share with love it is exhilarating. That is why I love the Word! Speaking the Truth in Love. I just made the commitment that I believe what God says not every bodies opinion. Andrews nose joke is funny, but someone said everybody has an armpit and it usually stinks. It is funny how people say something offensive about God to me and trying to start a fight and I just keep speaking the truth in love, they usually come around if we do not agree to disagree. Because I tell them I believe God not what you say or have seen, I tell them I do not have all the answer now, but I chose God’s opinion because he is Good always.

Great Grace

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Kelvin David | From: Nigeria
Posted On:

It was great watching your programme on tv

Behind You All the Way!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Bill and Eleanor Lock | From: Bella Vista, AR
Posted On:

Dear Andrew and Jamie,
Listened to your chapel service this morning. Andrew, we are long time partners, our first donation of five dollars (!) was given in December of 1993, so I guess that would make us long time partners,
and in no way do we think that all you are doing in Woodland Park is building some sort of a kingdom for yourself! We are behind all your dreams, aspirations and goals 100%.

The Lord laid you on my heart about 2 weeks ago, to intercede for you and this project. I just prayed in tongues, not knowing what was the problem, but I knew by the Spirit of God that there must be something.

You are in our prayers. I was visiting with my oldest, dearest friend in the ministry, and asked her what she thought of your ministry, and she said, “Eleanor, the word that comes to me is excellence!”
Another friend of mine said, when I asked the same question, answered, “Humility” Two pretty good assessments from two people I respect highly!

I know this much, we serve a good God who can back any dream we have, He loves it when we dream big dreams!

I think what has disturbed people in the past in the lavish living from some on television who heaped it on themselves. You’re not raising this money to add another luxury car to your stable of cars, or foolishness like that! I can’t imagine anyone thinking that of you! I am glad to hear that you are not letting the ‘nattering nabobs of negativity’ get to you any longer!

This is for Kingdom Living!! Every dollar put into this ministry is good seed into good ground and with faith, will produce one hundred fold in this life and in the life to come!


Mp3 Teaching WOW

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Emily Doyle | From: Colorado springs
Posted On:

Just listened to Andrew’s mp3 teaching on deut 2:24. Wow! He should have name it “Everything You Need To Know About Life In Christ In This World.” I encourage everyone to listen to this teaching. I do not see it anywhere else except on mp3 teachings by Andrew. Praise God for Andrew Wommack Ministries.

Drug Addiction

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Tineyi Gwini | From: Zimbabwe, Southern Africa
Posted On: October 7, 2015

I was saved 15 years ago but struggled with alcohol and nicotine addiction, since I started watching you on t.v I have been set free from both. I was taught many incorrect teachings and have gone through a massive detox. Surprisingly, I am filled with joy, stress free, “carefree”, loving, accepting and absolutely fearless. I am a better Christian without trying than I have been in 15 years with effort ! Thank you for the truth, it set me free.


Category: Uncategorized | Name: | From: Virginia Beach, VA
Posted On:

Praise God for the finished work of Jesus through which a hurricane turned away from our coastal area. Please agree it will wither and not hurt anyone in the Bahamas or elsewhere. Praise God for AWMI equipping believers and teaching us to put the Word of God in our hearts. Praise God for the prayer hot-line that has spoken into my life and ministered to me so clearly and beautifully by the power of the Spirit, many times. I am a supporter of this fruit bearing ministry and will increase my giving more and more, by the grace of God.


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Suzanne Noble | From: AshevilleNC
Posted On:

Great Testimony. I am reading this to build my faith. I have been standing on God’s word for months about my legs. Right now my right knee and right foot. So much pain at times I want to scream, however I know God is my healer. I did go to the doctor just a couple of weeks ago (I fought this for months, thinking I am surely missing God some where or my healing would have taken place). They took numerous x rays and found nothing but maybe inflammation is the problem. This pain is, well, at times unbearable. I am standing and have been standing on His world that By Jesus stripes I was (am) healed. That He took all my pain and suffering. Although physically I still feel pain I know His word is truth, yes and amen. The pain is still here and I refuse to give in to it! Well, most the time. I started walking January 4, 2015 and now up to 7 miles (usually) a day, 6 days a week. I have done this walking mostly in pain, sometimes on my left leg, sometimes on the right. I can count on one hand how many times I have walked pain free in all of those months. I have never been a sickly person, this really has slowed me down. PLEASE stand with me that I will see the manifestation of God’s hand soon.
My husband and I love Andrew’s ministry and watch him just about 5 days a week. We have lots and lots of his teachings and absolutely love them. We are blessed that he comes close to our City (Asheville, NC) to Cornerstone Church in Johnson City Tennessee (my third year going there to hear him speak). My husband and I have been listening to his teachings about 4 or 5 years. Some dear friends introducing us to his teaching. I must be honest, I wasn’t ready to take on another preacher, I already listened to Joyce Myer, Joseph Prince, Creflo Dollar and of course our awesome pastor Kirk Bowman in Asheville. Honestly, Andrew Changed our lives!!!! IMGosh! He opened up our eyes to so much we were doing incorrectly, especially our prayer lives. We were asking God to give us (not always materially) what we already have in Him! This was wonderful! Freeing! Sorry, getting carried away. Thanks for listening. Have a blessed and fantastic day!!!!

Loving God Always

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Donna Caldwell | From: Orlando, Fl.
Posted On:

Going in for heart procedure, then heart surgery. I’m believing for all good report after catheterization procedure ,a miraculous appearance of nothing found for any surgery. No calcium deposits found. Hallelujah!

What Ever It Takes!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: ME Nichols | From: Hartville Ohio
Posted On:

I begin my mornings with a cup of coffee and Andrew @ 6:30am. Following that…I have my devotion. This morning I told the Lord whatever it takes to spend more time with you, I trust You to make it happen. Tonight when I got home from work I got my dinner and came in to watch TV and it wouldn’t turn on. Even my son couldn’t get it to work, yet everything was connected and working! Was this my answer to prayer? The Lord always gets my attention with a little humor…we Have that in common! Love ya Andrew…and I hope the TV works when your program comes on in the morning…I will let you know. God Bless!

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