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New You and the Holy Spirit 2021 ACO

The benefits of your salvation have already been bought and paid for! But in order to access them, you need help. That is exactly why God gave you the Holy Spirit. Jesus said,“It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you . . . . When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:7 and 13, New King James Version).

Andrew’s teaching, The New You & The Holy Spirit, is a must-have for all believers! As you begin to see through the lens of the Spirit, you will experience growth in the seeds of truth that have already been planted in your heart.

The New You & The Holy Spirit Package—$50 ($75 retail value)
  • The New You & The Holy Spirit book
  • The New You & The Holy Spirit CD or As-Seen-on-TV DVD album
  • The New You & The Holy Spirit study guide
The New You and the Holy Spirit Products
The New You & The Holy Spirit individual teachings:
  • The New You & The Holy Spirit book FREE (limit one per household)
  • The New You & The Holy Spirit Spanish book FREE (limit one per household)
  • The New You & The Holy Spirit CD album—$30
  • The New You & The Holy Spirit As-Seen-on-TV DVD album—$30
  • The New You & The Holy Spirit study guide—$35
  • The New You & The Holy Spirit Spanish study guide—$35

If you’ve ever thought, There’s got to be more to the Christian life than this, this teaching is for you! You are not meant to go through life without the Holy Spirit!

Order this teaching below or by calling our Helpline at 719-635-1111.


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— Tune in for a special urgent message from Andrew! —

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