New Covenant Worship

Every Praise and Standing CD Covers

Two New Music CDs

Praise is not the inevitable byproduct that comes when everything is going right in our lives; it is the driving force. Praise and worship will get our focus where it needs to be—on God. If we start praising God in the middle of our problems, our problems will shrink so much that we’ll hardly remember to bring them to God! We’ll be so busy praising Him and thanking Him for His blessings that our problems will be an afterthought.

Did you know that there is a better way to worship, now that we are living life in Christ under the New Covenant? For believers in the Old Testament, under the Old Covenant, the Holy Spirit might come upon them from time to time for a specific task or designated calling. But today, because of Christ, we are so blessed to have the Spirit of God living and dwelling inside us. The very presence of God lives inside every Spirit-Filled believer. What a blessing to be able to have this kind of life! Jesus said He came to give us life, and life more abundantly, and that is through the Holy Spirit!  

You may think that praise and worship is only about music. But that is not true. Worship is all about our relationship with God. We can worship God in whatever we do throughout the day.

Daniel Amstutz

However, when we look at worship music in the church, we can typically see three broad categories of worship music in the Body of Christ as a whole; informational, inspirational and transformational. Much of what we see today falls under the first two categories, but very little worship is truly transformational. But that is God’s best. 

Informational Worship

The first category of worship music is called informational. Sometimes, worship leaders place more emphasis on the poetic component of a song, rather than what the song is actually communicating through the lyrics. But it is very important to pay attention to our worship music lyrics. Our lyrics communicate information. Our lyrics can also contain revelation. It is very important to pay attention to the words we are singing, because we can actually teach through our songs. 

Why would this be important? Why do our lyrics matter? It matters because we want to speak the heart of God over our situation. It is incredibly important that we are speaking the truth of the Word of God into our lives, rather than just singing a song because it is artistically or poetically excellent.

Also, we want to speak God’s will into our lives. Jesus said, “Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” To carry out God’s will on earth, we must accurately and intentionally speak and sing His will into our situations. We would not want to communicate through our lyrics anything that is contrary to God’s will or His Word.

Col 3:16 says, Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

It is clear from the Word of God that our music should be based on the Word of God. Our songs have the ability to teach doctrine and truth. Unfortunately, many times the worship music we listen to may not be scripturally accurate. 

When assessing the information, doctrine or truth that our worship music is communicating, we need to ask ourselves: Is it scriptural? Or is it just poetic? 

Inspirational Worship

The second category of worship music is called inspirational. Sometimes worship leaders do not place enough emphasis on the quality or skillfulness of the musical arrangement or musicians. If worship music is excellent, it will inspire others. Mediocre music really doesn’t bless or inspire anyone. 

1 Cor 13:7-8 says, “Whether flute or harp, when they make a sound, unless they make a distinction in the sounds, how will it be known what is piped or played? For if a trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle?

It is incredibly important to have clear sound when worshiping with music. If it is unclear, or as scripture says, uncertain, we cannot accurately communicate the message or meaning of the lyrics, because the sound is so distracting. When you have an uncertain sound, it produces confusion. 

When Saul in the Old Covenant, called for a musician to soothe his tormented heart, he didn’t just call for any musician. He called for a skillful musician. Excellence is important. 

However, excellence is a choice. A spirit of excellence will bring fruit and favor to every aspect of a worshipper’s life, not just in the area of music. Excellence will improve your relationships, help you make better choices, and can even open God-ordained promotions for you. 

So, excellence really does matter, in order to be inspirational in our worship music.

Although informational worship and inspirational worship are very important, they are not as important as transformational worship. 

Transformational Worship

Transformational worship is the third category we see in worship music, and it is God’s best. When we encounter an unchanging God who deeply loves us, we are transformed. 

Romans 12: 2 says, and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So that you can prove (experience) that true and acceptable and perfect will of God.

If we want to experience the good, perfect and acceptable will of God, the only way we can do that is by getting into the Word of God and renewing our minds to God’s ways. When we do that, instead of being conformed to the ways of the world or the ways of this age, we experience true transformation and are conformed to His ways. 

Let’s take a look at 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image (that we are beholding) from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Therefore, transformation also happens by beholding Jesus. When we behold him, we become like Him. 

Daniel Amstutz

Transformational worship should be the norm for the spirit-believer. However, this is so opposite and contrary to the ways of the world. Transformation is getting to the place where we don’t exalt self. We don’t put confidence in self anymore; we have put our confidence in Jesus.

At the end of the day, it all comes back to worship. 

What’s your worship like? What are you beholding? Are you really being transformed, or are you just being conformed to the world? 

Special recognition goes to Daniel Amstutz for providing the above content. For more great teaching on worship, visit his website,

Tools for transformation

Now you can experience the transformational power of praise and worship with two new worship album releases!

Every Praise is a new, live worship album from the AWM traveling band led by Charlie & Jill LeBlanc. It also features vocals by Jamie Wommack, LaMont & Sharon Rich, and Racquel Hudson, who travel to most of Andrew’s speaking engagements.

The compilation of fourteen songs comes from a place of deep understanding of the finished work of the cross, which is vital to receiving from God. Priced at $15, this album includes: As High as the Heavens, Every Praise, Faithful God, Favorite Place, God is My Refuge, Worship You Forever, among others, many of which are originals by Charlie & Jill LeBlanc.

Make sure to get your copy of Every Praise today! 

The second album release is called Standing from Charis Worship. Led by Daniel Amstutz, Charis Worship specializes in guiding believers into the presence of God. 

For only $15, this music will encourage and remind you of the confidence you have when you stand in God’s love. These ten inspiring songs that will help you keep your mind focused on God: Stand Up, Standing, We Will Not Be Shaken, Stand in Your Love, Victory is Yours, To the One, What You Said, Living Hope, Simple, and Never Lost.

This album can be found on Spotify, Pandora or iTunes by searching for Daniel Amstutz, then StandingYou can also click here to order your CD copy of Standing today!

As you fill your mind with this transformational worship music, your soul will be renewed by His Word. Look unto Jesus, behold Him, and become more like Him. 

You can order both copies of Every Praise and Standing by visiting the AWMI store or by calling 719-635-1111. You will be blessed!


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