Browse All of Andrew's Teachings

Browse All of Andrew's Teachings

A Better Way to Pray
Want to absolutely transform your prayer life? Get a fresh perspective on God’s love and learn how to pray from a place of authority!
A Call to Prayer
Are you praying effectively? Powerful prayers are essential to turning America back to God. Find out how to pray for your nation!
A Place Called "There"
Experience the story of Elijah like never before! Find your place called “there,” like Elijah did, and discover everything you need to succeed.
Anger Management
Want to know why you’re so angry? There’s godly and ungodly anger. Uncover the difference between the two and find real peace and restoration!
As I Have Loved You
Discover the power of unconditional love in this teaching on Jesus’ final commandment to His disciples. Transform your relationships for the better today!
Believer's Authority
Ready to start living the victorious Christian life? Uncover the spiritual battles at play in your life and learn to wield your God-given authority!
Blessings and Miracles
Did you know it’s better to live in God’s blessings than to constantly need miracles? Find out how you can go from miracles to blessings today!
Christian First Aid Kit
Facing a crisis? Preventing a troubled heart can bring peace and strength in every situation. Find out how!
Christians and Politics
The Gospel has the power to transform an entire nation. Discover the importance of boldly sharing the good news of Jesus Christ within your sphere of influence!
Christians: Citizens and Disciples
Learn how you can change lives through true discipleship and help transform nations with God’s love!
Dealing with Temptation
Confronting temptation? God’s Word and embracing your identity in Christ can lead to victory over temptation and sin. Find out how!
Decisions Determine Destiny
Every decision you make is moving you closer to or further away from your God-ordained destiny. Make confident godly decisions that propel you toward your destiny!
Discipleship Versus Evangelism
Discover what salvation is and the difference between conversion and discipleship. Learn how to easily disciple your friends and neighbors!
Don't Limit God
The way you see God and yourself might be limiting what He can do in your life. Change the way you think and take the limits off God today!
Effects of Praise
Discover how praise affects you, God, and the devil. Increase your faith, overcome challenges, and experience joy through the power of praise!
Effortless Change
Discover the miraculous impact of planting God’s Word in your heart. Watch as your life blossoms with purpose, joy, and abundance beyond your wildest dreams!
Eternal Life: There's More to It Than You Think
The secret to true eternal life is a personal, intimate relationship with God. Don’t wait till you get to heaven to start experiencing eternal life!
Faith for Healing Is Based on Knowledge
Ready to walk in your authority in Christ and experience God’s healing power? Learn how!
Faith Is Based on Knowledge
Your success hinges on you knowing God’s precious promises. Be rooted and grounded in the knowledge of God and watch your faith work effortlessly!
Faith of God
How do you unleash God’s supernatural power within you and start overcoming challenges with confidence? Find out how!
Financial Stewardship
Your attitude toward finances can lead to prosperity. Embrace stewardship, sow generously, and trust in God’s provision. Develop the mindset of a steward today!
Financial Stewardship: The Practical Side
Did you know there are both spiritual and practical aspects to financial stewardship? Discover the steps you can take to experience true prosperity today!
Experience the liberating message of grace found in Galatians. Gain new insights and live free from condemnation!
Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians
Explore the teachings of the Apostle Paul on God’s unconditional love and grace. Uncover God’s love for you and deepen your relationship with Him!
Getting Along with People
Receiving God’s love and sharing it with others unlocks the doors to healing, deliverance, and prosperity. Discover abundance and joy in your relationships!
God and Country
What is America’s true Christian heritage, and why is it crucial to maintain an attitude of gratitude? Find out now!
God Wants You to Succeed
Redefine success through God’s eyes, walk in victory, and follow His unique plan for your life. Walk in success daily!
God Wants You Well
How do you tap into God’s healing power to transform your physical, mental, and emotional health? Find out now!
God's Kind of Love
Experience the transformative power of God’s unconditional love, a revelation that will change your life forever. Receive His love and give it freely!
God's Kind of Love in Marriage
Missing the joy in your marriage? Transform your relationship with God’s unconditional love and rediscover the joy and fulfillment in your marriage.
God's Man, Plan, and Timing
Learn from Moses’ mistakes and discover the importance of waiting on God’s timing to accomplish His will. Embrace God’s will and timing for your life!
God's Word - the Seed of His Blessing
God’s Word is the life-changing seed of power for the victorious Christian life. Experience the power found in the Bible today!
Gospel of Peace
What is the good news of the Gospel? Find out now and discover the life-changing power of God’s unconditional love and grace like never before!
Grace: The Power of the Gospel
In the book of Romans, Paul gives an in-depth explanation of the Gospel of grace and faith. Unlock the power of the Gospel and be set free from legalism today!
Harnessing Your Emotions
Your life boils down to the way you think (Prov. 23:7). Renew your mind and transform your life!
Healing & Niki's Miracle
Uncover the truth about divine healing and experience God’s miraculous power for yourself. Check out Niki’s testimony!
Healing is the Children's Bread
How do you receive healing through faith? Find out how God’s healing power works!
Hebrews Highlights: What Do You Believe?
A New Covenant relationship with God is one where you can boldly approach Him and live free from sin-consciousness. Find out how!
Hell - A Reality or a Metaphor?
Is hell real? And if so, what does that mean for you? Discover the importance of accepting God’s grace through Jesus in this eye-opening teaching!
Holy Spirit
God has an important gift for every born-again believer. Discover the truth behind the baptism of the Holy Spirit!
How to Be Happy
Do you want joy in every circumstance, like the Apostle Paul had? Discover the keys to true happiness, contentment, and joy in this life-changing teaching!
How to Become a Water Walker
Ready to step out of the boat of doubt and walk in God’s miraculous power? Find out how to overcome all the storms of life!
How to Deal with Grief
Feeling stuck in waves of grief? Find comfort, hope, and healing in the midst of sorrow with powerful insights and biblical truths on overcoming loss.
How to Find God's Will
You can uncover God’s unique plan for your life and step into His perfect will. Find out how!
How to Find, Follow and Fulfill God's Will
God’s will for your life doesn’t have to be a mystery. Experience the joy, peace, and fulfillment that comes from walking out your divine purpose!
How to Flow in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Tap into the supernatural power of God by learning how to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Live the authentic, on-fire Christian life!
How to Follow God's Will
As true disciples of Jesus Christ, we’re called to follow Him, but how? Discover how you can align yourself with God’s will today!
How to Fulfill God's Will
Fulfilling God’s will requires focus, endurance, and a victorious mindset. Overcome life’s hurdles and finish your race with grace!
How to Hear God's Voice
Learning to recognize God’s voice is where the real adventure begins. Embrace your journey, hearing Him one day at a time!
How to Overcome Doubt
Overcome your doubts by placing your faith in a surer word of prophecy (2 Pet. 1:19)— God’s precious promises. Find out how!
How to Prepare Your Heart
Ready to commit yourself to righteousness and transform your life? Discover how you can prepare your heart to seek the Lord!
How to Receive a Miracle - Part 1
Discover how to receive a miracle from God through the power of His Word. Plant, believe, and receive!
How to Receive a Miracle - Part 2
As a born-again believer, you already have the faith you need to receive your miracle. Learn how to utilize the faith you’ve been given in Christ!
Is Jesus Enough
Discover why sin isn’t an issue with God. Live free from condemnation and bask in the grace and forgiveness provided through Jesus!
It Begins with a Sure Foundation
Are you ready to experience the miraculous power of God in your life? Plant the seed of God’s Word in your heart, receive your miracle, and shape your destiny!
Killing Sacred Cows
Is God really in absolute control? Traditional religious doctrines might be rendering God’s Word powerless in your life. Find out the shocking truth!
Knowing God
Are you ready to revolutionize your relationship with the Lord? The greatest treasure on earth is knowing God. Find out how to live a vibrant life in Him!
Lessons from David
We all face giants in life—problems that seem insurmountable. Like David did when he battled Goliath, learn how you, too, can boldly tackle life’s challenges!
Lessons from Elijah
God has supernatural provision for you, just as He did for the prophet Elijah! Discover everything you need to succeed in your place called “there!”
Lessons from Joseph
Despite all the adversity Joseph faced, God called him a prosperous man. Joseph knew how to always come out on top. Find out how you can too!
Lessons from the Christmas Story
What is Christmas all about? What’s the real reason for the season? Find out in this thought-provoking free teaching!
Lisa Paxton's Testimony
Want to build your faith and receive a miracle? Testimonies do just that! Find Jesus, your Healer, in one woman’s story of being healed from cerebral palsy.
Living in God's Best - Don't Settle for Less
What’s God’s part and what’s our part? How do you balance grace and faith? Explore this balance and embrace a life filled with purpose and freedom!
Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith
What’s God’s part and what’s our part? How do you balance grace and faith? Explore this balance and embrace a life filled with purpose and freedom!
Look Who Jesus Loves
God loves you! While that statement may sound bold, it’s undeniably true. Radically encounter God’s life-changing and transformational love today!
New You
What does it mean to be saved? There’s only one way to approach God and receive the free gift of salvation. Find the only way to eternal life!
Observing All Things
Don’t exclude Jesus from certain areas of your life! Let the Bible have the final say on what you believe. Find out how!
Our Authority Releases God's Power
Walk in your authority as a believer, healing the sick and releasing God’s power everywhere you go. Start living a miraculous life today!
Paul's Secret's to Happiness
Unlink your happiness from your circumstances—just like the Apostle Paul did. Learn how to be content and joyful in every situation!
Paul's Thorn in the Flesh
Uncover the real meaning behind Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” as revealed in Scripture. Discover the surprising truth!
Positive Ministry of the Holy Spirit
God has designed you to live a life full of confidence and grace. Remove any traces of guilt and unworthiness from your faith walk in this free teaching!
Power of a Testimony
Testimonies can elevate your faith to receive from God! Discover how God is the answer to all your problems through these encouraging testimonies.
Power of Faith-Filled Words
If you change your words, you’ll change your life. Learn to speak from your God-given authority in Christ and experience more miracles today!
Power of Hope
Your faith needs hope to work. Learn how you can use hope and your imagination to receive all God’s promises!
Praise and Thanksgiving or Fear and Worry…You Choose
Don’t be afraid; God is bigger than anything that could ever come your way. Jump into thanksgiving and praise and remove all the lies of fear from your heart!
Psychology vs. Christianity
Psychology or Christianity? Where should you turn? Find all the life-giving answers you need when faced with life’s problems!
Recession? No Thanks—I’m Not Participating!
Build your life on God’s economy, not the world’s. Say goodbye to economic uncertainties and find your stability in God’s unlimited provision!
The radical truth is that sin is no longer an issue with God. Find complete forgiveness and your redemption in the precious blood of Jesus!
Relationship with God
You can know God through His Word (2 Pet. 1:19) and resist Satan’s lies. Deepen your relationship with God through His Word today!
Revelation Knowledge
Freedom is found in the revelation of God’s Word (John 8:31–32 and Rom. 12:1–2). Learn how to receive revelation knowledge and completely transform your life!
Do you want a closer relationship with God? Discover God’s endless love for you and what the true Gospel of grace really is!
Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword
Do you want to grow in the Lord with a revelation of Him through His Word? Uncover God as your Healer with the powerful testimony of Hannah Terradez!
Source of All Grief
Shift your focus and break free from the root cause of all grief today!
Sovereignty of God
Is God truly responsible for everything in your life? He is often blamed for evil things He didn’t do. Find out the surprising truth about God’s true nature!
Sowers and Eaters
Are you sowing seeds or consuming them? Discover the power in thinking like a sower and not an eater!
Spirit, Soul and Body
What happened when you became a born-again believer? Find out your real identity in Christ and live a life of total victory today!
Spiritual Authority
As a born-again child of God, you don’t have to live life afraid of the devil. Find out how to use your spiritual authority, like Tori did!
Staying Full of God
Do you want to stay in a place of constant fellowship with the Lord? Discover the four keys to staying on fire in your relationship with God!
Staying Positive in a Negative World
How do you stay positive in a negative world? Learn the secrets to staying encouraged despite the darkness!
The Fear of the Lord
What’s the difference between being afraid and having a holy fear of God? Discover the difference and be equipped to stand against evil!
The Power of Imagination
If you worry 24/7, you’re using your imagination in a negative way. Turn everything around in your life for the better with a positive imagination of hope!
The Power of Partnership
Did you know there is power in partnership? Learn how to put that power to work for you and receive abundance and blessings in your life!
The Reality of Faith
Though you can’t touch it, faith is real. Are you ready to experience the reality of faith and watch unseen miracles become visible in your life? Find out how!
The Sky is Not Falling
Are those fear-mongering headlines reflecting reality? Discover the truth behind the headlines and start trusting in God’s provision!
The True Nature of God
Is God the harsh God of the Old Testament or the loving and merciful One of the New Testament? Uncover who God really is in this free teaching!
The War is Over
God’s love put an end to the conflict between God and humanity! Discover the truth that has reshaped history.
The Word Became Flesh
Why did Jesus come as the God-man to redeem us? Discover why and unlock the power of speaking God’s Word as a born-again believer!
Walking by Faith
Feelings or faith? Even when your feelings are in turmoil, you can walk by faith and not by sight. Find your victory in faith and not emotions!
What is a Christian
What’s the difference between religion and true Christianity? Discover real salvation in Jesus Christ and what a genuine relationship with God looks like!
What Pleases God
Is pleasing God about faith or performance? Human effort will always fall short of God’s perfection. Find grace, acceptance, and blessings solely in Christ Jesus!
What to Do When Your Prayers Seem Unanswered
What’s the real reason behind seemingly unanswered prayers? Delay doesn’t mean denial. Discover the connection between God’s timing and your faith!
Where Did I Come From?
Find out the answers to some of life’s biggest questions: Where did I come from? Who am I? And where am I going?
Who Made Satan?
Examine the startling evidence for who really made Satan and the authority you have over him as a born-again believer!
Who You Are in the Spirit
Understand your true identity as a new creation in Christ and be empowered to live a life of absolute victory and freedom!
Whose Righteousness?
Discover the true meaning of righteousness and why it’s vital for your relationship with God!
Why, When, and Where to Give
Why, when, and where should you give? Uncover what the Bible has to say about finances, giving, and being a godly steward of your resources!
You've Already Got It!
Discover the powerful truth: God has already provided healing, prosperity, and blessings. You don’t need to beg; just believe. Find out how!


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