Message from Andrew Wommack: Festival of Nations

From the desk of Andrew Wommack

Dear Friend,

We just got through with our Festival of Nations presentation at Charis and it was one of the most impactful times of my life. We had all of our AWM and CBC directors from around the world come and share about how the Lord is using this ministry right there in their own countries. It was amazing.

The day started with one of the best praise and worship times of my life. They included one of the scenes from our David musical where all the nations of the world came and praised the Lord. After several awesome praise songs, we ended with a chorus of I Exalt Thee sung in a dozen different languages, representing all the nations where we have AWM and CBC offices and schools. We had students from all the different nations sing that song in their native languages. It was powerful. It really brought into focus the worldwide impact the Lord is having through this ministry.

All of this happened the day before the 56th anniversary of the night the Lord totally changed my life. I’ve been thinking about that a lot and remembering all the Lord has done over that period of time. The contrast between then and now is overwhelming to me. I cried and was so emotional that I needed help to end the program.

There were many other things that took place that you would have to see to fully appreciate. That’s why I’m contacting you. We’ve made the entire morning’s video available and I encourage you to watch it.

Watch Festival of Nations: Sessions 1 and 2 — Andrew and Jamie Wommack and Mike and Carrie Picket videos, below.

Session 1 video.

Session 2 video.

You’ve been a huge blessing to this ministry, and none of this would have been possible without your faithful support. I really want you to see the extent of what your partnership has accomplished.

Enjoy this tribute to the faithfulness of the Lord. I know you will be blessed. 

Andrew Wommack signature


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