From a Single Seed to a Worldwide Harvest: Celebrating 5,000 Episodes of The Gospel Truth

  1. Click here to bookmark or favorite this page: This Week’s TV—The Gospel Truth
  2. Then be sure to tune in on September 18 for the 5000th episode of The Gospel Truth!

A single seed has exponential power. A seed sown in good soil produces a harvest, bringing forth some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundredfold. One seed can reproduce an unknown harvest. The seed is the Word of God, but there must be one who is willing to sow the seed.

The Seeds of Transformation

Little did Andrew know that what started on March 23, 1968, in a weekly prayer meeting would go on to transform millions of lives. Andrew’s encounter with the love of God launched him into ministry and the spreading of the nearly-too-good-to-be-true news.

The Birth of a Unique Ministry

After decades of sharing the Gospel, Andrew heard the Lord say, “You’re just now starting your ministry.”

A Meeting That Changed Everything

Andrew then met Stephen Bransford, the current executive producer of television and media production, in 1999. With just $70,000 to get started in television, Stephen recognized that filming Andrew with a single camera would be the best approach for his teaching style. Stephen and his wife also bought Andrew the table and chair that he used on his first set, which he still uses today.

A Journey to Reach Millions

The first episode of The Gospel Truth aired January 3, 2000. In the beginning, the show only reached 3 percent of the U.S. population but has since grown to reach a potential audience of five billion people worldwide. Remarkably, the show still uses only one camera for filming!

A Milestone Celebration and Gratitude

On September 18, 2023, thanks to the financial support of our amazing partners, we’ll be airing the 5,000th original episode of The Gospel Truth television program. Thank you, partners, for making this incredible milestone possible. We’re so excited to celebrate this with you! That’s a total of five thousand unique episodes—or seeds—that have been sown into peoples’ lives.

The Ripple Effect of Discipleship

These episodes are going forth and multiplying our spread of the Gospel. True discipleship has a multiplication principle that is the most impactful form of evangelism.

Here’s how it works:

Let’s say one person watched one episode, and their life was radically transformed. In the year that followed, they shared this truth with one other person who got set free as well.

Keeping track of the numbers, we’d be at two people so far. But then in the second year, if those two people each reached one more person, that would double it to a total of four people. After that, in the third year, if those four people each reached one more person, that would double the number to eight. As this doubling went on and on, the effect would be exponential. See the chart below:

YearNumber of PeopleYearNumber of PeopleYearNumber of People

There are approximately eight billion people in the world today. That means in just thirty-four years, we could evangelize the entire world twice. Now you know why we feel so strongly about discipleship!

The Global Impact of Transformed Lives

Every transformed life that’s been touched by this ministry is having a ripple effect around the world, all because of one person’s revelation of God’s grace. Imagine what will happen as more and more individuals around the world get hold of The Gospel Truth!

Spreading the Gospel: Real People, Real Impact

Here are just a few individuals who are spreading the Gospel because of Andrew’s ministry and TV program:

  • Ricky Burge: Former drug dealer, now a Charis Bible College graduate spreading the Gospel in Africa
  • Devin and Jessica Grome: Charis graduates, now spreading the Gospel in Hungary
  • Carrie and Mike Pickett: Established Charis Russia, now servant leaders at Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis
  • Ed and Brenda Laquidara: Set free from evolutionism, now pastoring Zoo Church at Animal Adventures Science Center in Massachusetts
  • Butch and Julieann Hartman: Miraculously healed, founded Healing Journeys Today, now pastoring and hosting the GospelTruth.TV children’s show The Garden

Eternal Rewards of Partnership

Partners, great is your reward in heaven, because every life that’s been changed through The Gospel Truth television broadcast is attributed to your account. Together we’re sowing God’s Word into millions of lives. Thank you so much for laboring alongside us to reach as many people as possible with the life-changing truth that sets people free.

Join Us in Celebration

On September 18, 2023, you’ll be able to watch the 5,000th episode of The Gospel Truth television program online at!


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